Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Limitless Possibilities

In an earlier post I said that years of curriculum design, teaching pedagogy, and educational theory fly right out the window the minute you enter a GED classroom.  And that sentiment still rings true.  I do find teaching GED to be instruction in its purest form and one of the things I love most about teaching GED is that every session doesn’t begin and end with curriculum.  It’s the moments of connection that bring me the most joy.  It’s the moments when a student’s face lights up when they have conquered a tricky math problem.  It’s the moments when they begin to build connections with other learners and encourage each other.  It’s the moments I have to inspire them into realizing their full potential.  It’s the moments when I get to see them take the first steps into their limitless future.

With that in mind, I want to share a story about one of my former students and what he is accomplishing in his life.

1 comment:

  1. Lysa,

    Thank you for sharing your experience as well as the success story of one of your students! The GED program has opened doors for more than 20 million people. We celebrate their success on our website at

    Have a great day,

    Jessica Puchala
    Communications Manager
    GED Testing Service
